web2help 1.0.3

Language: English

License: FreeWare / Install / Applications

Requires: Win7/XP/2003/Vista

Size: 6280 KB


Release Date: 2010-1-27 20:32:35



Product Description

web2help is an intuitive authoring tool, that will help you easily generate simple CHM files.

As the name suggests, web2help grabs help pages from the Web. This means that you can create the pages with your favorite tool (a CMS or a Wiki, for instance). Then you tell web2help where to look... and your CHM file is ready!

NOTE: In order to compile the help file, web2help uses HTML Help Workshop. You need to download it for free.

Here are some key features of "web2help":

¡¤ Parse web pages and extract help content
¡¤ Generate CHM files
¡¤ Generate Table of Contents
¡¤ Auto-generate Search
¡¤ Customizable template

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