Language: English

License: FreeWare / Install / Multimedia

Requires: Win7/XP/2003/Vista

Size: 2932 KB


Release Date: 2010-2-24 9:52:45



Product Description

MP3 Tag Express reads and writes Version 1 and 2 tags that are commonly used by most audio playback software and portable music devices. You can select specific files or entire trees of folders for editing and MP3 Tag Express will extract the current tag information for the loaded files. Once the files are loaded into the list, you have many useful options at your disposal for modifying the tags for one or many files, including file copy and move options.

What sets this product apart from most is the ability to modify many files at once, rather than being restricted to modifying single files at a time. Most tagging packages that do support multiple file operations use confusing pattern-based systems. MP3 Tag Express offers a straight-forward and simplified approach to mass-tag editing. Populate Artist, Album, and Title tags from the folder structure and file names using "Smart Tag Cloning".

Derive Artist and Album tags from file names, very useful if all your files are contained in one folder. Mass-edit Artist, Album, Year, and Genre tags with a minimal of effort. Use the "Copy from one and Paste to Many" clipboard feature to minimize typing and save time. Mass removal of special characters including brackets, dashes, underscores, and spaces. Mass Add / Removal of Track Numbers from file names and Track Titles. You will also be able to re-organize tracks and change their Track Numbers in the order you prefer.

Mass removal / replacement of custom text from file names and tags. Rename files based on the Title Tag for one or many files at once. Move files to a new folder named after the Album tag. "Quarantine" files you don't want in your music collection. Launch Windows Explorer at a file's folder location.

Audio playback for determining the sound quality of a given file. Quick-access buttons speed up tagging tasks and save you from always having to right-click. Easy access to Help and Support. Rip music CD's to Mp3 files and auto-them using one of the larget online music databases

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